Pioneer Temples


After being driven from Missouri, the saints settled in Commerce, Illinois, which would later be known as Nauvoo. The land for the temple was secured in 1840 and construction moved forward slowly over the next six years. Similar to the Kirtland temple, it was a financial struggle and many of the church members donated their time and money to help the building of it. The Saints faced intense persecution and pressure to leave Illinois, but they were determined to finish the temple in order to receive the blessings and ordinances found therein. During the period of the Kirtland temple, Joseph Smith and many of the leaders received an endowment of power. However, it was during the Nauvoo period that Joseph Smith received revelation on the presentation of the endowment. Along with the endowment ritual, other ordinances to be performed in the temple that were revealed during this time period were proxy baptisms for the dead and the sealing ordinance.

The revelation for baptisms for the dead started with the vision in 1836 that Joseph had about the celestial kingdom. He saw there in the vision his brother Alvin who had died without receiving the gospel. This led to revelations to Joseph about the doctrines and practices that surrounded baptisms for the dead. Joseph told the Saints about this revelation at a funeral in 1840 and the Saints immediately began baptizing each other for their dead. The basement of the Nauvoo temple was finished in 1841 and from then on baptisms for the dead were performed there. Women were baptized for men and women, and men were baptized for men and women. It wasn’t until later in 1845 that Brigham Young, the President of the church, received the revelation regarding baptisms and gender. While Joseph Smith was still alive, he taught the importance of baptisms for the dead and how it is all part of creating a welding link between generations8. The temple continued its construction even after the death of Joseph Smith. As each room was finished it was dedicated and used for the endowment ceremony. Even though the Saints were being heavily persecuted and knew they were going to have to leave soon, they continued to work on it and perform the ordinances inside. The Saints were so eager to receive their ordinances and make covenants that the temple was often in use throughout the day and the night. Around 6,000 Saints were able to receive their endowment before heading west to Salt Lake City. Once the majority of the Saints left, the Nauvoo temple was destroyed by fire and later a tornado. It was rebuilt and dedicated on June 27, 2002.

Other Temples that were built by the Saints in the 1800s


Fun Facts

  • All the Labor to build was voluntary
  • The brick was originally painted light pink
  • President Spencer W. Kimball regretted rebuilding the interior because of the loss of the pioneer craftsmanship.
Logan temple

St George

Fun Facts

  • First temple where all ordinances for the dead were performed
  • Saints outside Utah made contributions to its construction
  • President Brigham Young paid for the baptismal font himself
St George Temple


Fun Facts

  • The temple was built on a rattlesnake infested site
  • A 3 hour fire raged inside the temple due to lightning in 1928
  • Its groundbreaking was held just 3 months before that of Logan's
Manti temple

Salt Lake

Fun Facts

  • The angel Moroni atop the temple is attached to a 27-foot steel rod that goes down into the building which is attached to a 4,000 pound counterweight at the bottom. This ensures the angel can withstand weather.
  • It was bombed in 1962
  • The walls at the base of the temple are nine feet thick and the walls near the top are 6 feet thick
Salt Lake Temple